Oct 27, 2011


♥ Яσмαитι¢ ♥

Boy : I Love Your Eyes ♥

Girl : Know what Makes Them Prettier. . . ? ♥

Boy : What . ?
Girl : Your Reflection. . ! ! ! ♥♥♥♥

♥ Sparkling eyes ♥

" RmOntic KiLLEr"

GirL & bOy

Girl: Which is more important 2u?? your LIFE or ME??

Boy:Before I answer that leme ask you first....

Girl: Sure..?

Boy:Is there a difference between YOU and my LIFE?? :)

" dEfAuLtEr '

GirL & bOy

Boy: if i ask u to jump down, will u do it?

Girl: yes i will..

Boy: Why?

Girl : because i know you will catch

 my hand n pull me up.

Boy: if i don't then?

Girl: Then I will die with the belief 

that you tried Ur best but couldnt save me..

♥ ♥ Love is not about doing something 

but about believing someone!! ♥ ♥

"2 Ajnabi dost"

If a person loves U ♥

♥ If a person loves U ♥

♥ U shuld be thankful to that person ♥

♥ Know why?

♥ B'coz there's a lot of people 

who love that person 

more than U ♥

♥ But still that person choose to love U ♥

♥ ♥ Maa Da Ladla ♥ ♥

"2 Ajnabi dost"
WhEn i sMoKe , I FeEl aShAmEd ,

aNd ,

ThEn i lO0K At tHe cIgArEtTe ,

aNd ,

tHiNk oF ThOsE PoOr wOrKeRs iN ThE CiGaReTtE FaCtOrY :| ,

tHeIr dReAmS N HoPeS :)

iF I DoN’T SmOkE, tHeY WiLl bE JoBlEsS :\

LiVe fOr oThErS , nOt oNlY FoR YoUrSeL

"2 Ajnabi dost"