Jun 26, 2011

[ Girlz & boy ]

wHy giRls are nOt In SpOrts...?
.onLy 10 % ArE plaYnG HockY, chEss,TEnIS ,crickEt...
oThEr 90 % ARE busy in playInG WItH boYS.

JAnU yEh ,

janU woH ,

jaNu AISA ,


JAnU haNN na ,

jaNu NAHi NAA ,


jaaN lE lOoO janU kI....... :-P
" 2 AJnabi dost"

[ Girlz & boy ]

Oº°‘¨°ღ ღ° ¨‘°ºO

Girl:- We're best friend,right?

Boy:- Yes, OffcOurse

Girl:- So be hOnest with me,whO dO yOu like.-?

Boy:- No one.I lOve sOmeOne.-

Girl:- Oh,she must be very lucky

Boy:- Definitely.-I've lOved her,
ever since I met her

Girl:- Really.-? Well, since we're best friends,-

I wanna meet her.- Go call her.-

Boy:- Oh okay.- & Boy takes Out his phOne,-

dials her number and phOnes her.-

Girl:- Wait, hOld On I think I'm getting a call

*Answers the phOne.-


Oº°‘¨°ღ ღ° ¨‘°ºO
